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Sights & Attractions

10 marine species to spot at Atlantis in Dubai

Mon, April 24, 2023

The Lost Chambers Aquarium is home to around 65,000 marine creatures, great and small. We've rounded up 10 of the most interesting ones.

The Lost Chambers Aquarium is home to around 65,000 marine creatures, great and small. We've rounded up 10 of the most interesting ones.




The main attraction for many visitors to The Lost Chambers. Sharks are one of the most misunderstood families of fish in the world, and play a vital part in the complex ecosystems of the world’s oceans. The Atlantis attraction is home to around a dozen species, and operates breeding programmes for endangered zebra sharks, Arabian carpetsharks and brownbanded bamboo sharks – you can learn about them all, and even hand-feed some species on a deep dive.



Manta rays and stingrays are marine creatures that may have a mixed reputation, but are some of the most beautiful and graceful animals in the ocean. Watch the rays of Atlantis undulate their way through the water on an aquarium tour, meet them on a dive and learn more about how the aquarium is working to support the populations of some of the most endangered ray species through breeding programmes.



Simple, beautiful and kind of scary, jellyfish are some of the most stunning creatures to watch, especially in large groupsAn aquarium is one of the best (and safest) places to see them. These fascinating animals have been around since before the dinosaurs roamed the earth, so come and learn more about them at The Lost Chambers Aquarium.


Humphead wrasses

This huge fish, also known as the Napoleon wrasse, is striking and a favourite of the staff at Atlantis – but is sadly endangered in the wild, thanks to overfishing and loss of habitat. The wrasse can change its colour and even its sex if required. They can live up to 50 years, but reproduce slowly, making it difficult for populations to recover.


Horseshoe crabs

They look like crabs and are named after them, but horseshoe crabs are actually more closely related to spiders than crustaceans. These marine arthropods are called living fossils because they’re more or less the same as they were 450 million years ago. While horseshoe crabs are under threat in many parts of the world, you can see them in a protected environment at The Lost Chambers Aquarium. Just don't get confused when you see them swim upside down – that's how they move.


Moray eels

One of the sea’s most effective predators, moray eels are amazing creatures. One of their most interesting features is a second set of jaws hidden inside their body, which is used to grab prey and bring it into their mouth. While morays can be fearsome, they are also cooperative and sometimes go hunting with groupers, working with larger fish to flush out smaller prey.



They may have a bad reputation, but piranhas are in fact one of the most misunderstood fish. Unlike most of the species at Atlantis’ aquariums, piranhas live in fresh water, and so get their own special environment. Far from being a ferocious predator, piranhas are often quite timid, and mostly feed on other fish or even vegetable matter. As long as they’re not ravenously hungry, that is...



These beautiful fish are famous for their horse-like appearance, as well as the fact that male seahorses carry their young in a pouch. Seahorses also have no teeth, sucking in food through their snout. Atlantis is working on a breeding programme for seahorses, helping to protect populations of some of the most vulnerable species.


Sea urchins

These spiky, slow-moving creatures may look strange, but are one of the most studied animals in the world, and have helped scientists learn about evolution. At The Lost Chambers you can get the chance to study sea urchins up close, and even pick them up, along with starfish and other sea creatures, as part of the aquarium’s interactive Touch Tank exhibits.

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