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Sights & Attractions

Five surprising facts about Burj Al Arab

Fri, April 29, 2022

Officially the most 'Instagrammable' hotel in the world, the Burj Al Arab is one of the first places that come to mind when people think of Dubai. A striking structure in the shape of a sail, surrounded by the waters of the Arabian Gulf, this hotel has a reputation for glamour that precedes it – but here are five facts about the landmark you may not know.

Officially the most 'Instagrammable' hotel in the world, the Burj Al Arab is one of the first places that come to mind when people think of Dubai. A striking structure in the shape of a sail, surrounded by the waters of the Arabian Gulf, this hotel has a reputation for glamour that precedes it – but here are five facts about the landmark you may not know.

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