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Dubai: A Natural Wonder

Dubai: A Natural Wonder

Dubai: A Natural Wonder


Look a little closer and discover a world of ecological wonders within the Emirate of Dubai. From the 250,000 migratory birds to the spiny-taled lizard and the desert hedgehog, there's so much more than you would expect at first glance. Dubai showcases a dazzling variety of life beyond its urban melting pot. As you venture across the coastline and deep into the rolling desert terrain, let the whispers of the sands lead the way and awaken your inner explorer.


Original language



Documentary, Nature, Dubai Presents


Sophia Ray




A creative agency


Dubai Presents

Release date (theatres)

4 August, 2021

Release date (streaming)

4 August, 2021

The verdict
"Does your love of nature reach the heights of the Hajar Mountains? Will it grow as deep as the roots of the desert’s ghaf tree? It will when you enjoy the spectacle of this inspiring docu-drama. Dubai, as always, will delight and inspire you to look closer, beyond the obvious, and find thousands of humble inhabitants just outside the city limits. Bursting with natural beauty that perfectly complements Dubai's space-age aesthetic, you will lose yourself in nature – and find your soul.
Hatta Dam
Hatta Wadi Hub Dubai

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