Wander into this historic bazaar and you’ll see why Dubai is known as the ‘city of gold’. Located in Deira, the Gold Souk is brimming with traditional jewellery, all-out bling and everything in between.
Hop aboard an abra in Bur Dubai for a memorable journey to the Gold Souk. This wooden ‘water taxi’ has transported people across Dubai Creek for generations, and to this day it costs just AED 1. You can also take the metro to the souk, with Al Ras station just a 10-minute walk away.
So you’ve entered the souk and everywhere you look there’s glittering gold galore as well as platinum, silver, pearls and other precious items. Check out the souk’s extension for even more opportunities to find your ideal accessory or perfect gift.
How are your haggling skills? Engage in some friendly negotiations with the souk’s retailers and you may just bag yourself a bargain. Rest assured that any purchase you make is authentic, as the market is carefully regulated by the UAE Government.
Set aside a few minutes to marvel at the world’s largest gold ring. The 64kg, 21-carat Najmat Taiba (Star of Taiba) cost $547,000 to create back in 2000 and is worth significantly more today.